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Smith, K. E. (2014). Participant teaching: Writing video poetry with your students. Manitoba
Association of Teachers of English Journal, Classmate
44(2), 7-9.
Participant Teaching:
Writing Video Poetry with Your Students
About the same time that I was
introducing a new medium, video poetry, to my secondary students, I was also
involved in authentic learning/assessment. Video poetry had been around since
the 1960s but I knew that it would seem to be a rather foreign concept to many
of my students since they had mostly encountered poetry on the written page. To
remain consistent with authentic experience, I introduced my students to a
local video poet, Clive Holden (Trains of Winnipeg). His wonderful examples of
video poetry helped us to see that video poetry is a thrilling genre. Next, I
invited students to try their own hand at making video poetry. My invitation to
write included the notion that students should try to write about a topic that
had great personal meaning for them. Finally, they would turn their initial
idea, which may have originated from writing or pictures, into video poetry.
In the authentic
learning/assessment model, it did not seem fair that I would invite my students
to create a video poem never having done so myself. It made sense to
participate in the students’ novice experience, so I demonstrated writing a
poem that I would later turn into a video poem. First I wrote a poem from
scratch in class, then I added pictures and followed this up by demonstrating
I did not have to dig for a topic
that had great personal meaning. Unfortunately, while I was teaching this unit,
my Mother became ill and was in her final hours. My first poem emerged from
this emotional experience. The first poem I wrote before making it into a video
poem was Lipstick (below). Mom, like many of the women from her time, had always
enjoyed dressing up so the poem reflected a moment when I had helped her feel normal
one last time.
Certainly there are times to
focus your participant teaching on less morbid topics but in this case my
Mother had been a teacher and everyone in class knew this. Parents and students came to
her funeral. The participant teaching experience also led students to releasing
emotions through their own video poems. The teaching moment evolved into a type of poetry
Writers often talk about how
poetry releases emotions and how one poem leads to many more. Still, I was
surprised that the first poem would be followed by sixty more. I have included Lipstick
along with those sixty in a poetry book that will soon be published.
In reflection: There is modeling that implies some expertise on the
part of the modeler; and then there is participant teaching. In participant
teaching you can model what it is like to try something for the first time,
letting the students know that, like them, this is your first attempt. With no
prior experience in the new medium, you can model authentically what that
newbie experience is like. It is a risk showing your own vulnerabilities and
editing process. The teacher takes on the task of trying what they are inviting
the students to do.
There are times when assignments
should only be about and by the students. Then there are those select times when
the genre is so unfamiliar that participant teaching becomes essential to
innovative learning. Teaching is sharing.
The stroke stole her voice
her eighty-four year old eyes
begged me,
as she lay dying on
the hospital bed
I carefully drew a crimson circle
my Mother’s mouth
in her final hour
Unable to speak
she beamed, gently squeezed my hand for the last time
closed loving eyes
lips, silenced forever
but manifest
I then drew the same crimson circle round my own lips
gazed intently into the hospital mirror
Why do we wear lipstick?
Our youth
“Try this.”
crimson slather on our lips,
just for fun,
smack on our lips,
inviting womanhood,
temporary tattoo of sorts
Our womanhood
“Aren’t you wearing it, too?”
scarlet slather saving our lips from exposure,
lips for lovers,
red stain of our prime.
marking our sexuality,
not dressed without it
Our third act
and, older . . . complete
and, older . . . complete
“Won’t be caught dead without it.”
keeping moist that which remains,
holding a line,
stick lips defined by it, ripe
a reminder to others in the view from our coffin
of our womanhood,
our youth
tacit feminine discourse of the lips
mother to daughter
shared by a thin line
shared by a thin line
Lipstick - A poem by Karen E. Smith (c) 2014 written in a participant-teaching moment.